Дом Ханнон: частный тур в бельгийский модерн

Свяжитесь с нами, если у вас есть особые пожелания, уникальные потребности в путешествиях или чтобы начать планировать свое следующее путешествие мечты!

Immerse yourself in the exquisite world of Art Nouveau with a private tour of Maison Hannon, an architectural masterpiece that stands as a testament to the artistic fusion of Belgian and French Art Nouveau. Maison Hannon, designed in 1902 by the renowned architect Jules Brunfaut for his close friends Marie Debard and Édouard Hannon, is a symbol of the dreamlike and symbolist universe that characterizes the Art Nouveau movement. This private tour not only offers you a privileged glimpse into the Hannon couple’s world but also invites you to explore the “Belgian Art Nouveau” exhibition on the second floor, featuring iconic works by Paul Hankar, Gustave Serrurier-Bovy, and Henri Van de Velde.

Duration: 1 hours

Что вас ждет: 

  • Private tour led by professional guide, offering in-depth insights into the Art Nouveau movement;
  • Appreciate the intricate details of Jules Brunfaut’s design, from ornate ironwork to flowing organic forms;
  • Discover the unique blend of Belgian and French Art Nouveau in this meticulously designed home;
  • Designed for art enthusiasts and travelers seeking a deeper understanding of Belgium’s cultural heritage.

По вашему желанию мы можем организовать частный трансфер на роскошном автомобиле от вашего отеля до места встречи с экспертом-гидом.

Book a private tour of Maison Hannon with Carsons Travel  Concierge.

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